Monday, September 8, 2014

Sunday, February 5, 2012

Giveaway: Digeus Registry Cleaner

Dear Catcarpt Basketball,

We released a new version of Digeus Registry Cleaner and would like to promote it on your blog. It is cleaning software for your Windows PC. It makes your computer faster and more secure.

In exchange for promotion you will receive a full copy of the product.

Home page:

You need to create a short post with a few sentences about Digeus Registry Cleaner (like I wrote below) and include this back link:

<a href="">Digeus Registry Cleaner</a>

You may place this link alone without description. Language, text, length is up to you.

Here is brief information about our Product:

Digeus Registry Cleaner speeds up your computer by cleaning errors in your Windows. It removes the junk that accumulates in your Windows Registry, fixes Windows errors which results in speeding up your computer. With Digeus Registry Cleaner you just need a few mouse clicks and your computer will become as good as a brand new one.

Key features:

* Removes unused and invalid entries
* Speeds up boot up time
* Fixes Windows errors which results in speeding up your computer
* Eliminates BSOD (Blue Screen of Death)
* Invaluable when your system starts crashing, hangs, freezes and works slow
* This is one of the most popular registry cleaners on the Internet

Here are links to screenshots of Digeus Registry Cleaner:

For more information please visit:

Looking forward to hearing from you.

Ashley Adams
Digeus, Inc

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Giveaway: SnapIt

Dear Catcarpt Basketball,

I would like to promote SnapIt on your blog. It's screen capture software.
SnapIt home page:

In exchange for promotion you will receive a full copy of the product.
You need to create a short post with a few sentences about SnapIt (like I wrote below) and include this back link:

<a href="">Screen Capture Software</a>

You may place this link alone without description. Language, text, length is up to you.

Here is brief information about our Product:

Capture anything you see on your PC screen with SnapIt. It is convenient tool for graphic designers, bloggers who capture and crop images for their posts, for tech writers who need to describe menus and interfaces of applications, web designers and those who work with graphics every day. It captures and auto saves images with one click.

* Supports hotkeys, auto-saving, clipboard
* Automatically copies screenshots to the clipboard
* Tracks capture history, auto-saves captured images
* Saves files in BMP, GIF, JPEG, PNG and TIFF formats
* Auto-names captured images

Here are links to screenshots of SnapIt:

For more information please visit:

Feel free to get logos and product images from here :

Looking forward to hearing from you.

Melissa Garcia
Digeus, Inc

Monday, January 3, 2011

Happy New Year 2011

Hello everyone, Jane and I just returned from New York where we spent new years week end with friends in Long Island. They are an Italian family and the party on New Years eve was awesome. The food was the best selection of Italian delights that I have ever experienced. We all stayed up partying past midnight, which is a feat for us. On New Years day Joe took all of us into the city to see the sights. There were thousands of people clogging the streets. We saw the tree at Rockefeller Center, radio City Music Hall, Empire State building, Shake Shack . Shake Shack is a resturant owned by Danny Myers. I recognized it in a book I am reading titled"Setting the Table" about Danny Myers and his resturants in the city. Great read if you are an entrepenur looking to be the best. It was a great tour of New York. Before we came home we stopped at Marino's in Bayside. This is the holy grail of Italian food. We purchased many delicacies for a party we are having Friday night. We built a snowman with Joe's children. It was one of the best New Year celebrations I have ever had. Jane and I are off to LA in a couple of weeks for our annual Piranha Marketing meeting. Looking forward to seeing some good friends. Until next time, have a great new year.. Ask yourself every day, did I live?, did I love ? and did I make a difference/ Make this the best year ever. Peace Don

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Back from Vieques

Hi all, Jane and I just got back from the island of Vieques, which is situated off the coast of Puerto Rico. It use to be the the bombing training ground for the US navy. I believe the navy left in 2003 after a local was killed in a bombing miscue. The natives protested and they finally won. However, the navy left all sorts of unexploded ordance on the island that will take another twenty years to remove. That being said, the beaches are pristine. If you see four other people on a beach , it is considered crowded. The island has a very diverse animal and plant life. Wild horses wander the island and they are competely road savvy. I have seen iguanas up to four feet long and mongoose as well. The iguanas were introduced by people who had them as pets. When they became to large for them to be cared for they were released. Now they are considered a real problem for the islanders. They eat many of the local plants and they like to poop in swimming pools. How strange is that? We also went to the bio-luminiscent bay with a group of people one dark night. This was a magical experience. The bay lights up when the dino-flagelettes are disturbed. When swimming every stroke produces this blue light. Fish swimming through the water leave a blue light trail. The ride in was a trip unto itself. It is on a one lane dirt road through the jungle. About two miles long. We rounded a corner 1/2 way in and we met another outfitter towing a dozen kayaks. Welll, the bus driver was amazing. After slamming the bus into a couple of boulders he finally managed to pull the bus into the jungle. The other vehicle passed by scraping the side of our bus. No place to drive a new car. lol. Their are several great resturants on the island. This is probably the last place in the Carribean where land and homes are still reasonable. It won't take but a few more years before they totally discovered by the rest of the world. The downside is that the infastructure is really poor. When the navy was there they were responsible for the upkeep of the roads and such. When George bush was in office he closed all the military bases on the island and the main island of Puerto Rico and that devastated the local economy. There is a 60% unemployment rate. There are quite a few Americans living here now or that have vacation homes. Several friends of ours have homes here. It is nice to have good friends in the Carribean. Well Jane and I are home for a little while now. Until next post. Have a great holiday season and a prosperous and healthy New Year.

Friday, November 19, 2010

Setting up a Marketing mastermind group

Good day everyone, We are in the process of creating a marketing mastermind group of business owners in our community. I will set it up on a monthly basis instead of weekly. We will share ideas about marketing, whats working, whats not, different challenges people may be having. We have a wealth of knowledge of marketing that we will share with our peers. By starting our own group we can deliver the best to the best companies in town. I believe the dynamic of the group will be very beneficial to all because we all know, like and trust each other. We will be launching this in January 2011. I will keep you posted on our development. I will be asking 15 to 20 businesses in different industries to join. I have already signed 8 companies. This will be an exciting project. Wish me luck. Peace Don

Monday, November 15, 2010

Back from Palm Springs and LA

Hello everyone, Jane and I are now home from two amazing weeks away. Actually, we were gone for 6 days, flew home for one so that Jane could speak at the VSBR meeting and then flew back to LA for four days. The Masters of Influence event put on by Peak Potentials was a very informative time. We met some old friends and learned a lot of things that we could implement right away into our businesses. One speaker who had the greatest influence on me was a man by the name of Kevin Hogan. He is a master of reading people and persuasion techniques. I was so enthralled by his presentation that I purchased his program and have been listening to the cd's since they arrived. I believe it will have a great impact on how I interact with people. Another speaker was Greg Montana. He had made millions then gave it all away to study with the monks for about 8 years. He has sinced made millions more and is a very dynamic speaker. He is changing lives. We flew home and Jane spoke to a group of business owners from the Vermont Business for Social Responsibility's annual conference. Her passion is the Dream Manager program that she has started in our company and another company in town. She wants to take this program nationwide and believe me, she will. Then it was on to LA where we stayed at the Standard Hotel. Everything in this hotel has a sexual overtone. The bedrooms had retro furniture from the sixties with platform beds that were 8 in off the floor. Lots of mirrors and wide open glass showers so your roommates could observe you. Pretty funky stuff. There was a bar on the roof which overlooked the city. Lots of craziness up on the roof. We spent two days in Joe Polish's 25 k mastermind group. There were about 50 very successful business owners in attendance. They pay Joe 25 thousand a year to meet three times to mastermind with each other. Many million dollar ideas were shared by the group. It was a very humbling experience to be included in that setting. Thanks Joe. We also had our photo taken with Sir Richard Branson who flew in for his Rock the Casbah fund raiser for Virgin Unite that took place that night. We connected with people like Joe Sugarman ,who is one of the all time best marketers ,best known for selling many millions of the Blu Blocker sunglasses. He gave everyone in attendance a pair. Tellman Knudson who is a millionaire internet guru, best known for his list building site Overcome Everything. He is a Vermont guy and we will go to dinner with him to share ideas on our foundation. Brendon Burchard author of Lifes Golden Ticket. A must read if you want to turn your life around. Dan Sullivan , he owns Strategic Coach . A very high powered program for entrepenurs. Manny Goldman who is a personal growth coach as well as a warrior and wizard. I share the last two titles with him and I easily was drawn to him. Warriors and wizards are in tune to the world as no others. It was a fabulous trip and we are truly blessed. We hung with some of our dear friends from Piranha Marketing. Well thats it for now. Peace and may God spare your life. Don