Wednesday, January 28, 2009

another snowstorm with sleet and rain and a pedicure for me

Hello all, We just got about 8 in of nasty mixed bag of snow,sleet and freezing rain. It has not been above freezing for over a month. I am missing the sun. My wife jane and I went to the gym and worked out for an hour , then had lunch and then we both had a pedicure. This was a great experience. Joe Polish our marketing mentor suggested to the guys in our group that we have a pedicure so that we can relate to what woman like to do to feel good. He was absolutely right. I will probably have one every other month. Woman are the decision makers as far as our business is concerned and it makes perfect sense to try and figure out what they think about. Here is a link to having a clean healthy home. Well thats it for now. Do your self a favor and have a pedicure. I videoed it and it will be on youtube soon. I will provide the link. By the way , we saw Slumdog Millionaire and it was an awesome movie. Kept your attention for the duration. Highly recommend. Peace Catmandon

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