Tuesday, February 10, 2009

More thoughts for the future

After listening to the president last night I can see how difficult it will be to pick this economy up and move it forward. There is still to much petty bullshit in congress and the senate to fully realize it is not about the republicans and the democrats but about the american people and the future of this great country. In the near term I firmly believe that the economy will get pretty ugly. Even worse than what Elkhart, Indiana is now going through. Imagine that same scenario playing out in every city in the country. If the politicians can't get on the same road as the president wants to lead us down, then we are in for a very,very,long hard time. That is all I have to say about this for now. Let us watch and see what comes about. Peace Catmandon P.S. How about the idiot who asked the question about A-Rod's steroid use. What friggin planet is he from. Talk about the important issues. What the hell is up with that?

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